The Corona Dilemma- Ethics or Utilitarian

I wrote this paper in 2015 after I had graduated in 2013 as Master of Arts in business ethics and social responsibility. Today, in 2020, I believe we are trapped in an utilitarian dilemma which means we’d have to decide what is the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This means we’d have to make a choice to either accept that the Coronavirus can’t be eradicated soon enough, thus will kill people now and/or that the effects of the draconian measures such as lock downs and the restricting of freedoms will kill many more by the destruction of livelihoods, unemployment and inevitably causes the collapse of social cohesion by psychological stress, jeopardizing peace and contentment.

What drives a human being to act ethically or unethically?
Research by Arend van Campen MA

1. Abstract.

This research will endeavour to answer one rhetorical question:

1.    Would a person alone on a deserted island act unethically?

In general researchers find that theories and advices about ethical behaviour are often being ignored by unawareness or by conscious motivation: greed and fear. It finds that although positive outcomes of business or personal ethics can now be empirically verified, not only expressed in virtuous value, but also monetary (profit, sustainability, responsible growth), they do not offer solutions that are generally accepted (yet). Immanuel Kant wrote: ‘no mode of presenting the law by roundabout ways and indirect recommendations would ever produce morality of character.’  (Kant, Immanuel, 1788)
Morality of character is therefore needed. This means changing man’s character and this research will do that by measuring and testing man’s development using ethical intention through common sense (nous).
Operations people, supervisors and management were asked to imagine that he or she is stranded on a deserted island and to answer rhetorical and operational questions from that imaginary position. Being situated in this so-called social vacuum would work as a reminder to one’s conscientious nature, which is an innate, biological survival mechanism. Independent from others, with no possibility to use or abuse fellow man or the environment, would stop ulterior motivation at once.
The research focused on two groups working in the oil industry: oil and gas operators and shift supervisors working for a oil products storage terminal and cargo inspectors and their supervisors working for an independent quality testing laboratory and inspection company. The 2 companies’ management was also interviewed to guide them towards shared goals: benefit of man’s potentiality: health, safety and protection of the environment, commitment, professionalism, performance, trustworthiness and well being, were standards to be improved and achieved.

The idea was to test if people’s obligations to work safely and therefore ethically, could be improved into choosing (intent) by their free will rather than just comply to rules and regulations.
That meant understanding their characters was a necessity in order reconnect their inner and innate knowing that somehow got caught between culture, laws, rules or social circumstance or was somehow motivated for other reasons. In other words they were requested and trained to use their available nous (vision, spirit, intellect, common sense). It had them understand their human actions and prove that conscious constructive (choice) or pure intention is real, valuable and minimizes stress, maximizes commitment and professionalism, leading ultimately to happiness and joy. (eudaimonia).
An amalgamation of innate human qualities and the potency of our intentions versus our physical world is the only way to sustain human and non-human life by using the ethics, the logic and the rhetoric that one is born with and can develop into useful tools during life (if chosen or intended, and last but not least, being assisted to understand the value of free will).
Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.’ This is not just a saying, it is scientifically proven that intention, and observation and thinking are measurable not only by previously called pseudo sciences such as Noetics, but are becoming accepted by formerly empirical scientists. They are starting to acknowledge, be it reluctantly, that the idea of a theory of everything, does sound intriguing.

Introduction (an observation of the present)

‘Well, you see, Aborigines don't own the land. They belong to it. It's like their mother. See those rocks? Been standing there for 600 million years. Still be there when you and I are gone. So arguing over who owns them is like two fleas arguing over who owns the dog they live on.’ (Dundee, Mick, 1986, from the movie Crocodile Dundee)

Systemic, standardized, pre-determined solutions, Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies or ISO Certification versus ethical issues in life and business do not work too well as we can observe in many businesses and governments today. In a paper by Andre Nijhof and Ronald Jeurissen from Nijenrode University in Holland called ‘The Glass Ceiling of Corporate Social Responsibility’, they write that it can be called ‘strikingly’ that the European Commission rejects a governmental role in CSR and instead proposes a voluntary method of interacting with stakeholders. Common sense tells us that this should be applauded, because governmental regulation of CSR or Business Ethics is not advisable, nor possible. (Nijhoff, Andre, Jeurrissen, Ronald, 2012)

Since Enron collapsed in 2001 man seems to have not learned much when we look at what is presently happening in Brazil with Petrobras and SBM, despite the approximation that since then, about 75% of companies adopted a corporate responsible governance policy. Perhaps the companies did change on paper, but not the people running them. This study will address the ‘human factor’. Fact is that a company is not better or worse than the people running it. Ask yourself these two rhetorical questions: would government be able to govern or control everyone? Would you like them to? You already know the answers. If it is the government’s intention to do so, think about the former Stalinist Russia or the DDR and the modern communist country China where state capitalism covered up the intention to care for the citizen, but that concern with the citizen was not real, but highlighted thru propaganda, which we now often call ‘fake news.’
Ethical policies or responsible corporate governance statements can be found hanging on walls in impressive offices or can be downloaded from colourful websites, but they are mostly window dressing. (Sharma, Bindu, 2013)
There is more needed to understand human essence and control human action.  Controlling man is a fable and a fallacy caused by an out-dated, deterministic and mechanistic approach. Trying to control people’s actions by law, guidelines, quantificational statistics, rules or force is impossible; the jails are full; thousands are trying to flee from their brute nations only to find themselves on sinking boats barely afloat, hoping to beach someday on greener shores.
Absolute control is what corporations and governments are trying to pursue as they still think that our world can be controlled and ruled by mathematically calculable certainties formulated under secret conditions. For example: TPP and TTIP. What are the impacts of secretive international trade agreements such as the Trans Pacific Partner Ship (TPP) and Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that are potentially harming human and non-human life? Such backroom dealings are certainly not democratic, nor transparent for a reason (re: ulterior motivation). In the secret TPP text, which was made public, of course not by our political or business classes from concern, but by Wikileaks, the word ‘ethics’ is not mentioned once.

Isn’t that the path chosen of most of our leaders? Are they acting out of control from moral convictions or to they want to rule others for a purpose? Is their method of control not based on power, exploitation, greed or money? Of course it is. ‘Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.’(Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, a.k.a.Lord Acton, 1888).

The metaphysical, first cause and intention of unethical behaviour is to control others for use or abuse (the people or populace) and exploit the world’s riches (to own and exploit natural resources by changing them into commodities) in order to sell them for profit, without regard for habitat, natural limitation of growth, environment, social cohesion and life of human being. Whatever is standing in the way of profit is murdered with impunity, by causing havoc, dived and conquer policies, look at Syria, Libya, Yemen, Congo, Sudan, to name a few of the many conflicts, that are basically fought over resources or ideologies or religious differences. Such policies are also being implemented in Europe where for example the health care systems have been deliberately underfunded or privatised and now, in this time of an existential threat by the Coronavirus, are not able to take care of those in need. The decision to lock down, limit basic freedoms will have consequences either intended or unintended for the populations and their governments. Rule is that
the general public makes that quite easy because they acquiesce to it, because they think they have no answer, but most importantly; they are easily entertained.
Bread and Circuses, (‘panem et circenses’) is a metaphor or a superficial means of pacification. When a government, for example, uses the media to influence the populace into approval of the ruling class, all they need to do is to fulfil their basic needs. Entertainment was and still a prefered means to quiet down an otherwise potentially rebelious populace. Public approval can be controlled by giving them just enough to eat (bread) and distraction (circuses; re: television quiz, The Voice, Computer Games, Movies, etc).
It shows the erosion or ignorance of civic duty amongst the concerns of the average, non-intellectual man. Looking at our world today, much relevance to what eventually happened eventually to the Roman Empire can be observed.
But the days of bread and circuses are nearing their end, because, thanks to the Internet, people are becoming more aware that they are used or abused.
The time of absolute control is over. Revolt is nearing. Read the alternative news and see discontented people marching in the streets because they realize and instinctively know there is a way out. Parasitic greed by those in charge ultimately will kill them too, because when the host perishes, they die.
Even the die hard, three dimensional deterministic thinkers, are starting to be convinced that change of man requires analysis and understanding, not only how our brains function in a physiological or biological sense, but how human consciousness operates it.  Scholars, scientists and common folks join hands and by allowing common, natural and innate human sense to enter. They are reluctantly grasping that a melange of humanities and science is the new path, a yet unexplored road to walk on, to prevent the world from being dragged deeper into the abyss of misery. They are finally starting to ask ‘all’ the questions.
Man can only choose to change himself. The mathematics of Chaos Theory put an end to reductionist approach towards science. The behaviour of dynamical systems is highly sensitive to initial conditions such as rounding errors in numerical computation. Deterministic systems or human preference do not make them predictable (Gleick, James, 1988). Gleick talks about ‘human preference’, which is certainly not the same as human reality.
In a documentary called ‘High Anxieties, The Mathematics of Chaos’ (2008), filmmaker and writer David Malone addresses Chaos Theory. Malone discusses human being’s frantic efforts to control reality and form it into a predictable state of being. The quest to control and predict outcome has become the basis for modern education on economics in search of certainty.  Old assurances, such as inner knowing or ethical behaviour are dismissed by academics as non-empirical or non-scientific and are therefore not trusted
Mathematical theories are in fact just theories, which do not always mean they are reliable or predict certain outcomes. Randomness by nature, human thought and unpredictable human action has influence. 
Malone says in the film:
‘We may have wanted to see the world and the economy as a machine, stable, unchanging at equilibrium. But how we wish the world to be and how it actually is are not the same.’ (Malone, David, 2008).
A new word is needed to capture human character flaws such as:
denial, ignoring, avoiding or refusing to accept reality. Character flaws are the foundation of unethical behaviour in business, politics and in personal lives. (Campen van, Arend, 2013) .
A new word to capture this would be: ‘oblivicism’ and means: ‘Deliberate and convenient evasion of reality, consciousness, conscience and remembrance, by ulterior motivation.’  A concept of approach to influence rigorous and stubborn, acquired, learned or misinterpreted thought would be: ‘Informed change or adjustment of consciousness by intention.’
Reductionist analysis based on diverse biological, ecological or physical systems is currently being replaced by personal awareness and the natural ability to self-reflect, a.k.a. consciousness. This would imply the end of determinism, which hinders full development of learning as it contemptuously rejects unfamiliar possibilities (Russell, Bertrand, 1969). 
Russell wrote an essay on the Value of Philosophy, explaining that despite the fact that philosophy is not regarded as a true science, it certainly has value as it looks at the ‘whole’ picture as it primarily looks at knowledge.  By knowledge, Russell meant everything, all information, not omitting anything.
(note by the author; my professor suggested me not to write this thesis too philosophical, he meant; scientific. But if the mother of knowledge can not be used to her full potential, neither can her fundamental parts such as ethics, logic and rhetoric be consulted, how then can all questions be asked?)
‘The value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty.  The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions, which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason.  To such a man the world tends to become definite, finite, obvious; common objects rouse no questions, and unfamiliar possibilities are contemptuously rejected.’

What Russell writes here is that human choice is often limited due to a human factor (i.e. mistake), by some doctrine or motive that does not allow acceptance of the whole picture, because such choices or decisions made can only thrive in segregation. 
Man, who leads a mechanistic life ruled by definition, rejects unfamiliar possibilities and chooses to accept incomplete answers.  Enlarging man’s interests to include a whole outer world, allowing escape from the cave of (Plato 514-520) will lead to peace, the suspension of inner strife, desire and the powerlessness of will.  If man’s life is to be free and great, we must escape this prison. 
Bertrand Russell states that the principle purpose of man is knowledge. He argues that many men doubt that philosophy has any value at all. It is being compared with physical science, which is deemed useful and therefore recommended because of the effect on mankind in general. He refers to ‘practical men’ who only recognize material needs as food for the body of people, oblivious of the necessity of food for the mind. He expresses the need for balance between body needs and mind needs. 
Once, the study of astronomy was part of philosophy, as was psychology.  They both are now separated. There has been a split between questions giving definite answers belonging to science and non-definite answers belonging to philosophy, which he called a ‘residue’. 
Russell’s arguments show that modern man is still sitting in Plato’s cave from where control needs to be forced and where access to knowledge is limited. 
“See human beings as though they were in an underground cave-like dwelling with its entrance, a long one, open to the light across the whole width of the cave.  They are in it from childhood with their legs and necks in bonds so that they are fixed, seeing only in front of them, unable because of the bond to turn their head all the way around.”
But reality cannot be controlled by conscious observations alone, because man is not blind; he just refuses to see, either by choice for greed or from fear.

The answer whether ethics has a future can only be found in the acknowledgement and acceptance of man’s natural, innate conscience, which exists within us all, even the psychopaths and sociopaths who find themselves stranded on a deserted island where they ran out of victims.

To understand what we are up against in business or personal ethics, an objective observation of negative news and an objective observation of positive news of our world and its people are needed. Looking at the headlines of today, one cannot help but to react in becoming sad, distrustful, vengeful, angry, frustrated, hateful or appalled by atrocities human beings inflict upon each other. Literally feeling and experiencing pain that is inflicted to others, is a natural and human reaction proven by the science of mirror neurons, which will be explained in depth later in this study.
We all felt the flames of the burning of a Jordanian pilot. This takes us back to the religious crimes committed by the Holy Inquisition, who were ordained by the Catholic Church, approving of similar actions such as burning heretical people alive at the stake. Looking at this you may wonder whether ethics will ever be adopted? Have we not learned anything? Is barbarism a natural tendency?
No, it is a chosen one by motivation. The list goes on:
A group of suspected terrorists droned to death in Yemen, assassination list approved or secretly supported by our leaders and presidents, a stifled or propagandist press, killed and jailed journalists. And we condescendingly call those who do find courage to speak the truth whistle blowers. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning are exiled or jailed because they speak their hearts to protect us all from harm. They tell us about a secret state behind the state, spying on us all, operating without democratic consent. In this context is the current aim of our leaders and the state of our world can be called: destructive.
A combined research by the universities of Princeton and Northwestern conclude that the US is now officially an oligarchic country, meaning that democracy seized to exist (Gilens, Martin, Page, Benjamin, 2014).
This is how they express it:
Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

Most nations, even the so-called democracies, are currently run by a politically connected business elite in close cooperation with ulteriorly motivated politicians dependent on business elites who control the money supply and are often protected by politicians in trade of an increased chance for cushy jobs in the private sector after their political career is over. An example: Tony Blair, ex British prime minister, now earns several million of pounds a year as a business advisor. But wait a minute; did he not lie about the WMD in Iraq, which were there but then they weren’t? Politics has become a career, not a vocation where people would do it for free for honour or from humane concern, not expecting payment.
Corporatism or currently called ‘Corporatocracy’ to express its extremism negatively influences the global economic equilibrium and is the main cause for a stratified social structure and an increasing income gap.(Hudson, Michael, 2014)

When a country is run by the wealthy, but not by the wise, we talk about a Plutocracy. To name a few other countries that are oligarchic and plutocratic in nature: Russia and most African Nations such as Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, Gabon, Angola, etcetera, where leadership often have become family businesses. The rule is often by force as leaders often use the army to protect them. Which means that autocratic governments maintain their armies to control their populace.
At present technocrats in Brussels run Europe from a centrally planned desk. The nation states that are members are losing their influence whilst the populace is becoming more aware.
In Brussels work and live an estimated number of between15000 and 30000 lobbyists, representing a varied array of business interests that cannot be controlled, nor be called upon concerning their ethical or social responsibility by the member states. Just take a look on the Internet and search for these words: austerity, financial meltdown, quantitative easing, environmental disaster or corporate fraud, and one does not have to be an ethicist to understand that the current paradigm dictated and oppressed by a unaccountable political business class is, to say the least, flawed.
Secret, undisclosed, backroom negotiations are taking place all over the globe. Thousands of research papers published by academia in the form of theses or scientific articles show and confirm that there is something fundamentally wrong with those who are running our world as business and political leaders. Such actions arise from greed and fear. (Lo, Andrew, 2011). These scientific research paper are contemptuously negated, because interests, private and corporate, won’t allow contradicting information which would prevent plan and purpose.

Fact is that now, in the year 2020, a gap between richer and poorer people is growing significantly larger. Fact is that the number of small businesses is decreasing and that middleclass people are losing their recently accumulated and earned standards of living rapidly. This is caused by the ‘generally accepted idea that freedom is the free market, which is a misconception. (Graafland, Johan, Van de Ven, Bert, 2011), the free market does not exist.
Business has been profoundly integrated into politics forming corporatism, which is synonymous to fascism as it abhors democracy and seeks obeisance to the so-called free market, which is market under control.(Hayek, Friedrich, 1947). The free market does not exist as long as the banking, governmental and corporate elite enjoying impunity create money out of thin air to charge interest, better called usury, or have priority access to zero interest money, which enables them to buy value for pennies on the dollar. The question is it good or bad is not being asked. Instead one can hear: ‘will it make GDP grow?’ The current economic situation caused and excused by our governments by the Coronavirus Outbreak, has devalued and weakened many companies, small and large, which either can be saved by borrowing money from banks or moneylenders or can be taken over for less than they were worth after the crisis.

Political scientist and professor Sheldon Wolin calls this globalized central power elitist rule ‘inverted totalitarianism.’(Wolin, Sheldon, 2014).

All of this is happening and has happened since day one of human existence, because of the automatic acceptance that we are separate, non connected brutes believing that old story of survival of the fittest, a Darwinian expression is proven to be totally false, but still accepted wildly by the uninformed or uninterested, clinging on to belief in genetic heritage that cannot be altered.
Dr. Sapolsky of Stanford University writes:  Research has not proven that behaviour is genetically pre-determined but perhaps from pre-disposition’ This professor of neurological sciences at Stanford University states that a complete false dichotomy built around a deterministic predetermined genetical behaviour is sheer nonsense.
‘It is virtually impossible to understand how biology works outside the context on environment. A widespread and potentially dangerous misconception is that behaviour is genetic.
If genes equal inevitability, or when they are accepted as ‘they cannot be changed’ it influences possible denial of researching and solving real social impact. Genetically pre-determined behaviour - survival of the fittest, or competitiveness, is not genetic.
People’s behaviour is shaped by their social and environmental circumstances. (Sapolsky, David, 2013)

Enough negative news. It is time to address our amazing universe and review the unlimited human potential. Man is naturally equipped to love, to share, to socialize, to bond, to care, to be compassionate, to live well. Our planet feeds and clothes us and it provides the essential drinking water because without it man will perish.
So on one hand our world may be bleak and miserable place, but on the other hand, man has the nous, creativity, the reasoning capacity, his intuition, feelings and sensations to change him, but only when he becomes aware of his divine potential.

1.    The Nous or Common Sense

Weren't you afraid?
Of dying? Nah. I read The Bible once. You know God and Jesus and all them apostles? They were all fishermen, just like me. Yeah, straight to heaven for Mick Dundee. Yep, me and God, we'd be mates….

NOUS. It can be understood as: the intellect, the mind, but more importantly for this study: common sense. Common sense, as non scientific it may sound, is the nous, it is provided by conscience and can be consciously chosen or willed freely by creative intent, or avoided by the same human faculty. Ethics, or ethical behaviour does not have to be explained to people, they just need to be reminded.
A few thousand years ago Hermes Trismegistos wrote: ‘to become godlike and live as gods.’  Gnostic Scholars, pre-bible Christians- who understood the value of the nous and used it aware of its value, were influenced by Hermes Trismegistos, whose teachings focused on human insight in the interrelations of all things, their initiation into reality. Man finds himself behind human perception of this reality with the purpose towards intuitive knowledge of God and a personal, ‘direct God’ experience.  According to Hermes, man is called the third living entity, behind God and the Cosmos. Man is called a ‘great miracle’, not yet perfect by nature, but can become that. His body is mortal while his inner spirit is immortal. Because he has physical passions, he can be prone to vice, but his inner spirit (re: common sense) is prone to virtue. His mortal being contains the mind (nous) and his reason (logos), but physical passion could cause him to fall asleep still unaware. To come back into oneself, man has to be awoken by someone’s help (the role and duty of ethics teachers?). Hermes offers assistance by teaching self-realisation, understanding his own nature and Cosmos and God. He accompanies him on the road to Gnosis, the discovery of his divine reality.
This ‘gnosis’ or inner knowing cannot be taught but must be personally experienced. It is liberation, enlightenment and a divine gift. (Quispel, Gilles, 1996)
The concept of individual choice for virtuousness can be linked to ethical or moral choice, not in a religious framework, but in a rational one, because man is a social being. The ratio (nous) provides creativity, which is useful not only on a deserted island, but also valuable in the interaction with fellow men, the environment, our planet, thus the entire universe.
This awareness and advice for personal unification with and through personal experience of man’s divine connection, was not in line with the later agreed version of the Bible. Gnostics were considered heretics. This Corpus Hermeticum, by Hermes- ‘three time great’ – Trismegistos, if allowed of being accepted as part of the Bible, could have added great deal of knowledge and understanding of ethics. The writings mean: to observe God in everything. Not God as a man with a long beard, sitting on a cloud, but God as a synonym for unifying energetic spirituality and creativity, which is finally accepted and confirmed by physics and noetics.

In the book The Intention Experiment (McTaggert, Lynne, 2007) a multitude of parapsychological (psi) experiments are explained to measure the scientific and measurable impact of human intention. Psi has been generally regarded as a pseudoscience, but now that more evidence can be empirically proven and repeated, a change of vision is taking over about the interconnectedness of mind and matter.
Dr. Dean Radin, researcher at the Noetics Institute (IONS) in the United States and author of The Conscious Universe (Radin, Dean, 1997), has been working on exciting new experiments on human consciousness. The tiniest initial conditions such as personal thoughts are therefore elemental building blocks of reality. It observes human action and its causality or the relationship between an event (cause) and a second event, (effect).
His findings confirm that intention, thoughts are able to change outcome in real time. Human’ conscientious logic confirms this.
An aborigine going ‘walk about’ thinks his way through the bush, they are being called telepathic because they can communicate covering vast distances using their mind and intention.
The more we look into the universe either in the vast space around us or into the subatomic world, the more we start to understand the intrinsical relation of everything with everything. A question would be, is man able to communicate without having email or telephone or what’s app? The answer is yes.
We are not just the observers; we are the observed too. Think about that for a moment, because understanding this would be a first step towards social responsibility as it confirms we are not alone and are bound within social and physical structures.
Our thoughts and intentions can definitely bring about change in our observed reality. Positive thoughts generate positive change whilst negative thoughts cause the opposite. The challenge is to make people conscious about this overlooked or ignored potential. Consciousness is the human ability to self-reflect. Self-reflection is part of our innate conscience. Therefore control systems of making people act ethically just cannot work. As a matter of fact, controlling the world by mathematical precision and prediction has been undermined by the theory of chaos, the butterfly effect, quantum physics, relativity or neuroscience, just to name a few rather new outlooks on reality.
Scientists now agree on one definition only: that they just don’t know yet, but realize that their knowledge should be intended for global stewardship, which is a major breakthrough.
300 years of deterministic sciences assuming that controlling universal dimensions, based on the then available science that determined that the world and universe worked like a mathematical certainty. This predictable clockwork is now being replaced by the opposite; there is no human control possible at all. Modern physics gives us: unpredictability, non-locality, complexity, potentiality, entanglement and chaos. It is precisely this uncertainty man has to learn how to deal with.
If everything consists of the same building blocks, then reality is the sum of everything.

As ethics is based and relies on conscious awareness of role and responsibility in the universe, it can be analysed by using man’s logic faculty confirming that the expression of ethics (re: truth, goodwill, benevolence) in every conceivable way, positively influences reality.  Greed as an action will inevitably influence reality, but cannot be implemented without affecting others and or the environment negatively. Greed has no value on a deserted island.  According to Long Wang, greed is a practical problem of individual behavior as well as a potential virus in a community or society’s interactions.  Without this interaction, his or her or its greed cannot exist in a social vacuum (Long Wang et al, 2011).
Greed creates victims and can only be based on an illusion or on a preferred reality a.k.a lying that is inconsistent with natural law and therefore cannot be sustained or is sustainable.  It is temporary. Greed can exist only through enforcement or acquiescence.

Ethics, a fundamental part of philosophy, confirms not only metaphysics or quantum mechanics, but also allows imagination to become part of this reality.  Imagination formed into intent by thought, choice, awareness, inner knowledge, instinct or invention. Linking science (Higgs) and the Table of Elements or Quantum Mechanics with ethics and logic, proves that intuition is a fundamental part of our human and universal reality, as without it, Albert Einstein or Peter Higgs would have commenced no search.
Seeing intuition or imagination as real parts of a total reality, confirms the visions towards the structure of the psyche. The science of quantum physics confirms the interrelation of mind and matter, but continues to pursue a deductive approach based on scientific and empirical evidence only as required by the modern academic standard, based on the philosophy of empiricism
So, now, scientists talk about an all-compassing theory of everything, which can be fundamentally completed as a reality by human consciousness.
 ‘On the Nature of Things’ by Titus Lucretius Carus gives us an idea of an advanced awareness of nature and an example of inner knowing.
His purpose was to enlighten the unenlightened by instinctive knowing to describe the epic of the universe and of everything in it, including human beings. Using his extraordinary reflections that have only recently been confirmed by physics were mainly based on Epicurean philosophy, would be of importance. He describes the universe from his imagination and observations that correspond with modern science.
Since Alexander the Great founded the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, wisdom, knowledge and insight in all matters created a source of wisdom that was unfathomed. Alexander, being educated by Aristotle himself, is an example that proper and wise upbringing makes all the difference.
Unfortunately, Cyrus, a Christian Patriarch who allowed only one faith and did not tolerate paganism, destroyed many books and murdered a lady mathematician and philosopher called Hypatia. Symbolically, this was the beginning of the dark ages, where knowledge was replaced by enforced faith, or in other words when man started a struggle to deny and to destroy his mind (Rand, Ayn, 1947).

Arend van Campen
April 04, 2020


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