
Posts uit oktober, 2021 tonen

Corona Crisis, Nature Strikes Back, Coltan, Congo's Curse, Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Shopping The next morning, I took an early train. There was a lot I wanted to do. First, I needed to make sure that the money Didier had pledged was available. I knew he was an early riser and found him behind his desk around eight. We drank coffee and waited the arrival of his lawyer whom he had summoned to be there no later than eight-thirty. Didier understood that to catch a big fish, he needed big bait, so he did not argue or ask any more about the sum I required. Ten million was in fact quite a bargain to save a multi-billion-dollar turnover. We chatted about the business and sales. He had understood my hint quite well that the less he knew, the better it would be. A pin-striped attorney from the law firm Schuster & McMann arrived punctually and made arrangements for me to pick up the cash when Credit Suisse in Geneva opened. At nine o’clock, I was at the bank. At a quarter past, I walked out of the bank with the money in a backpack casually hanging from my r...

Realimiteit; our reality consists of information for which we are responsible

  It took Einstein more than ten years to get his relativity theory recognised. Astronomers who put an end to the 'the earth is flat' idea were reviled and even burned at the stake. And what happened to Nikola Tesla's insights into inexhaustible energy? Every time new ideas are put forward to improve society, they are irrevocably blocked because they contradict generally accepted views. This basically means that 'uninterested' mankind always stands in the way of its own evolution because the average thinking capacity does not rise above the reptilian brain level due to fear of the unknown. We see this happening now in our society. Solutions that could end the current financial and corona crisis are denied and condemned as conspiracy or fake news by the majority. So this too is about 'information'. As can be demonstrated by physics, it is information that gives universal energy and matter its functionality. Information is an inseparable part of the fabric of ...

Realimiteit: onze realiteit bestaat uit informatie waar wij zelf verantwoordelijk voor zijn

Het kostte Einstein meer dan tien jaar om zijn relativiteit theorie erkend te krijgen. Astronomen die een einde aan het ‘de aarde is plat’ idee maakten werden verketterd en zelfs op de brandstapel verbrand. En wat is er gebeurd met de inzichten omtrent onuitputtelijke energie van Nikola Tesla? Steeds als er nieuwe ideeën worden geopperd ter verbetering van de samenleving, worden ze onherroepelijk tegengehouden omdat ze haaks staan op de algemene aanvaarde opvattingen. Dit betekent in principe dat de ‘ongeïnteresseerde’ mensheid haar eigen evolutie steeds in de weg staat omdat het gemiddelde denkvermogen door angst voor het onbekende niet hoger komt dan het reptielenbreinniveau. We zien dit nu gebeuren in onze maatschappij. Oplossingen die de huidige financiële- en coronacrisis versneld zouden kunnen beëindigen worden ontkend en als complot of ‘fake news’ veroordeeld door een meerderheid. Ook dit gaat dus over ‘informatie’. Zoals natuurkundig kan worden aangetoond is het informatie di...

Corona Crisis, Nature Strikes Back, Coltan, Congo's Curse, Chapter 3

  Chapter 3 Memories Aldabi Alombong picked up the phone. ‘ Oui ,’ he said, ‘who is this?’ ‘It is your old mate Erik. How are you my brother? It‘s been a while. I only seem to deal with your subordinates now that you are the big boss.’ I had sounded a bit cynical but intended none. ‘Yes, I am good. And yes, quite a while. We used to deal directly, but now my agents and office staff do all the legwork.’ ‘But tell me, are you OK?’ ‘I am quite well. You know how it is here in conflict zone one. It is not getting any better, but worse. Great to hear your voice. What can I do for you?’ I told him that I was coming to town and wanted to set up a meeting or dinner with him. He agreed, and we set up a date, place and time. ‘Looking forward to seeing you again, old friend. We have to talk.’ ‘True, we should talk more, but since you’re in Geneva and only coming here occasionally, it is difficult to keep up the relationship. You know how it goes; out of sight, out of mind....

Information or inevitable collapse; time to choose!

  We can demonstrate with scientific and historical certainty that man-made systems that do not communicate and are therefore based on partial information will always, but unfortunately only after significant damage, collapse because they do not learn. In many blogs and articles I have tried to explain that it is always about information. With sufficient information I can protect my life but with insufficient information I am in danger. I cannot explain it more simply. But what we are observing together now is that relevant information with which we can correct the disastrous political Corona policy is being deliberately denied and even suppressed. Now, in order not to complain that this is wrong or unfair, let me scientifically substantiate what is actually happening. As I demonstrated in my scientific article 'Information is Physical', the physical law 'information cannot be separated from physical reality' cannot be broken without creating 'entropy' or disord...