PhD research on the criteria of and for non harmful functionality of man-made creations
Abstract This research focusses on the development and application of a measurement system for the functionality of anthropogenic creations. Man-Made formations often are negative interdependent (they benefit some, but at the cost of others – i.e. externalities). This study observes society thru the lens of information. Information doesn’t seem yet being understood as a physical substance which warrants functionality of universal and natural systems. Nature can no longer be seen as matter and energy, but must be interpreted as matter, energy and information (Campbell Jeremy, 1982) [1] . Rolf Landauer stated that information is physical (Landauer, Rolf, 1991 [2] ) and related it to entropy which leads to disorder in systems, describing the measure of entropy in a number of bits which are binary units of information, and confirmed that entropy is information. Preamble The ability to communicate i.e. exchange and use information as the energy required...