The Assault on Truth by Peter Oborne


A new book has been published by Peter Oborne, an English journalist, called 'The Assault on Truth'. I have read it. You only have to look around, follow the media, read the newspapers or watch TV to understand what this book is about. The truth is being denied, suppressed and even punished with all possible means. This smacks of intent. You may ask yourself; but who is so evil and so mean that he or she suppresses reality for it? Is there a secret plan, an agenda that cannot bear the light of day? Or is there a purpose that one knows that if it were to come out into the open, it would immediately be prevented because only then would people understand it? As I have explained many times on this blog, it is physically impossible to separate information (the truth) from physical reality (our reality) without causing and accelerating 'entropy' or 'disorder' translated into collateral damage. Entropy is the degree of order or disorder in a process or living system due to the availability or absence of energy and information. This law of physics states that natural entropy can be affected by information used by our universe and planet to create order and structure. This can be physically measured and predicted, so all it takes is for the truth, i.e. all 'information', to be made known and shared with everyone in order to transform 'disorder' into 'order'. This power is possessed by all people who are part of this world and the universe. Simply put by George Ellis: 'the concept of ethics (doing the right thing) is built into the foundation of the universe'. So that means that our world, nature, the universe, human beings are not unethical by nature because if they were, natural evolution could not continue. The development and survival of living systems, including man, depends on truth. Life on earth is based on a natural programming to choose life, say to survive, evolve and become stronger as a species. Charles Darwin wrote: 'every little variation, if useful, is preserved'.  So we can say that lying, distorting or denying reality (read truth) cannot really be useful for life, not even for the liars themselves. They too are a part of the total reality, but their perception tells them that they would be above reality, form a superior race and have projected themselves as masters of nature. This is literally impossible and is THE cause of 6000 years of man's bloody struggle against himself. I state that all the wasted blood, the rise and fall of entire civilisations, kingdoms and republics have been brought about by the separation and suppression of information as the primary cause. I once calculated that 79% of all world crises were caused by humans trying to evade the physical law of information. So what we are observing is yet another drastic, but oh so harmful attempt,to achieve goals that are harmful (entropic) to everyone, because nature simply will not allow it. Ayn Rand wrote; 'You can't have your cake and eat it too', which means you have to make choices. If you choose a happy, joyful and loving life, it has been made possible by the universe, because although the universe is 'entropic', we as humanity are in a peaceful and reasonably stable era, which James Lovelock called 'Gaia'. But what man does not realise, and mostly does not want to know, is that the world has become maximally disordered because of man's false perception and his attempt to deny the truth because he thinks he can gain from it. So if he keeps on thinking like that, the disorder will only increase until nature says: 'Dear people, it's over, you had the chance to live together in balance, but you didn't want to.


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