Social Disorder and how to restore order

When you follow the news on TV, the various talk shows with always the same people allowed to highlight one side of the truth, you will notice that disorder is a plausible definition.

Our society consists of a Babylonian confusion of speech in which open and free communication has been made almost impossible. A jumble of opinions, ideas, expectations, forecasts, lies, propaganda, deception and omission by the Media, leave a trail of distrust. After all, who can you still believe and trust? Governments lie, companies lie, officials lie, the United Nations and World Economic Forum deceive society because they think they can get away with it. But all those who lie to benefit themselves are deceiving themselves because nature does not allow them to do so without consequences.  Yuval Harari spoke during a recent interview that disorder is related to false and partial information. He does not yet understand that information is not just an email, message or text, but a physical entity, measurable in bits. Information is a thing and equivalent to energy. This is easy to test; can you ride a bike without enough information? Can you swim without information? Can you build a house without information? So can you run a country or a city or a business without sufficient information? And yet people force it. People try to use lies, aided by the media, to control, suppress and thus escape reality, but because this is physically impossible, they quickly opt for force; abusing violence, lobbying in government circles and even more deception. This then leads irrevocably to totalitarianism and eventually fascism. The signs on the wall are clear: No more cash spending above €3000, the upcoming digital €: CBDC, The UN Pact for the Future, the Digital Services Act to control all digital communications, wars for power and resources, inflation, economic weakening in Germany, cyber wars. What these 'crises' share in common is that they are caused by deception. In physics, we call these 'uncertainties' entropy, or disorder due to information deficiency. Entropy is a complex concept because it can be interpreted in different ways.

I make a list here to learn about the differences

Physical Entropy: information as energy unavailable to do useful work. Optimal functionality is impossible.

Information Entropy: lack of information to understand a message. Misunderstanding occurs. The system comes to a standstill because communication becomes impossible. Entropy is seen as 'the information we don't have', but also as the information we deliberately suppress,

Social Entropy: Information as energy unavailable to do useful work. You can see here that physical entropy is equivalent to social, or societal, entropy. Optimal functionality is impossible

These three simplified explanations are based on various laws of physics such as Thermodynamics, Shannon's Information Theory, Boltzmann's Entropy and Vopson's Information Dynamics, among others. Biological laws such as Symbiosis, Genetics also apply.

What they have in common is the conclusion that living systems in the universe, our planet, nature and society cannot function without information. All life depends on feedback (information) to exist and achieve goals. Your body is alive because it communicates and shares information with your environment. Your DNA consists of instructions that keep you alive. These laws apply to all life.

What I try to say is that a goal without sufficient information never can be attainable. Political goals that depend on information prohibition,  information censorship or information suppression are always unattainable. This applies to all ideological goals like those of UN, NATO or WEF.  Precisely because they are unattainable, they are pushed through by force. Such goals are described as negatively interdependent; they produce benefits for a few, but at the expense of disadvantages for many. Thus violence is then at the expense of life and well-being, the environment or our surroundings and social cohesion (the ability to live together). Examples abound.

But not to worry; I developed a General Law for Functionality that allows us well-intentioned citizens to determine functionality or dysfunctionality before we get into entropy.  We developed two algorithms to predict function or malfunction. Our think tank tested them and they are now ready for use.

The benefits are for everyone. A company can use it to test whether an investment will be recoverable. A government can save huge costs by not having to invest in goals that are unachievable like the Digital Services Act because information is always a part of reality and therefore inseparable and cannot be destroyed.

With this law, which I have called VanCampen's Law, we can turn global, societal entropy (disorder) into negentropy (order). So there is much for us to do. As long as humans think they can continue to escape the laws of physics, disorder will persist. But we can finally start doing something about that, We built two algorithms to measure function (order) or dysfunction (disorder). So let's start using those before it's too late.

Arend van Campen



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